What is Septorhinoplasty? image

What is Septorhinoplasty?

Opr. Dr. Mehmet ÖZGENÇ -

Septorhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves correcting the cartilage and bone section called the septum inside the nose. This procedure can be performed to alleviate nasal obstructions and improve the appearance of the nose. Septorhinoplasty is typically preferred for issues related to breathing, sleep apnea, or for cosmetic purposes. However, since surgical procedures are a personal decision, consulting with a specialist is important.

Functional Rhinoplasty aims to achieve healthy breathing, smelling, filtering and moisturizing the air taken in through the nose, along with optimal oxygenation of the lungs and, consequently, the entire body and organs. While the nose is an essential organ for the entire body, Functional Septorhinoplasty is one of the most significant surgeries applied to the nose.